an authentic way of making art:
-multidisciplinary - culture and public art consultant - art facilitator -
- social interventions -

Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico of multicultural heritage, now a resident in Saskatchewan, Canada since 2002.
I was the Artist in Resident in the city of Saskatoon for the Cultural Capitals Project 2006 – 2007, working with newcomers to Saskatchewan and later with the Inner City neighborhood at the King George Community School in 2007- 2008.
As a guest artist for the Live Arts program in 2009-2011 I had the opportunity to connect with youth across the Province of Saskatchewan through internet workshops. My work interconnects photography, poetry and painting with the concepts of identity, prophecy, construction of worlds, emotions, myths, and legends. Social interventions only exist in the ephemeral experience of the participants and spectators, you might find evidence in your memory or online.
Alejandro exhibits in Puerto Rico, USA and Canada. Some of his paintings works are in private collections in Bolivia, Canada, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Spain and the United States.
Currently, I work as an Arts and Culture Consultant for the City of Saskatoon. I am a full time Artist, facilitator, community radio host, speaker, consultant, volunteer, art administrator and instructor. I find time for all of that, creating art, social engagement and community art are my passion.
Cv- Resume
Nuit Blanche 2018
Art intervention collaboration with Priscilla Wolf
Septemebr 29, 2018
PanelistMay 20, 2017
Public Art Symposium
York University
Ontario, Canada
Panelist May 12, 2016
The Governance of Cultural Policy for the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
University of Saskatchewan
Un-framed Radio2015 to 2018
Conversations about arts in Saskatoon
Community Radio Host CFCR, 90.5 FM
Public Art Workshops 2012 - 2018
City of Saskatoon
Guest Public Speaker June 2014
Creative City Network
Hamilton, Ontario
Guest Public SpeakerSeptember 2013
Public Library Saskatoon
Public Art Round Table May 2013 to 2016
Creative City Network
Ottawa, Canada
Arts and Culture Consultant June 2012 to 2018
Public Art, Community Arts, Programming and Culture Days
Civic Collection Management
City of Saskatoon
Saskatchewan, Canada
Human LibraryMarch 2012
Panelist – Cross Cultural Queer Identity and Pluralism
Saskatoon Frances Morrison Public Library
Crearte Campo June 2009-April 2011
President and Founder
Not for profit Organization for the Arts
Puerto Rico
Live Arts Education April 8, 2011
Guest Artist
St. Peters School
Viscount, Saskatchewan, Canada
Live Arts Education April- May 2010
Guest Artist
St. Peters School
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Canada from the Eyes of a Stranger September 2008 - March 2009
Art Exhibition, Research and Paintings
Artist in Residency September 2007 - August 2008
King George Community Association, Saskatoon
Art Facilitator, Instructor and Art director
Exhibition Curator
Creative City Documentary June 8, 2008
Cultural Capitals Artist in the Community
4th Chapter
Producers- SCN, University of Saskatchewan
Re-In-Stall-Meant July 13-21 2007
Collective Art Exhibition
Mendel Art Gallery
Curator and Exhibition designer
Artist in the Community Oct. 2006-July 2007
Immigration Partnership (GGP, MCC, SODS)
Art Facilitator, Instructor
Filmmaker, Documentary Producer, and Art director
Cultural Capitals of Canada
Vice - Executive Director (Special Assistant)2001 – 2003
Department of Art and Culture
San Juan City (Municipality of San Juan), Puerto Rico
• Management and supervision of plus 40 staff
• Represent the Executive Director in official meetings
• Present reports according to the duties assigned
• Coordinate programs, exhibits and workshops related to Arts and Culture and Open Space, Including Public Art, Festivals and Museum administration
• Organize and coordinate special activities assigned by the City Mayor and Council
• Fundraise, Write and supervise proposals and funds for the department
• Interview people and clients related to customer services
• Member of the Organization Committee for Miss Universe 2002 which involved a
Million dollar budget and San Juan city hosted
• Responsible for the administration of the Alejandro Tapia y Rivera Theatre
- Third oldest theatre in the Americas and required special attention and upkeep
- brought together government and community groups to accomplish the update of the theatre
- supervised over 25 staff and volunteers
Executive Director 1996-2001
Office for the Regulation of the Paso Fino Industry
Budgeting, Management, Promotions, Marketing, Fundraise, Consultant, Events Planner
Photographer and Graphic Designer 1994 -1996
Volunteer Service Corps of Puerto Rico
Government of Puerto Rico, Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico
• Project Manager of the Horse Trainers’ School
• Public relations, proposal writing, press releases, brochures and magazines
Master Degree in Arts (Cultural Studies)2013
Centre of Advanced Studies of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean
San Juan, Puerto Rico
• Art, Culture, History and Literature
Thesis: Identity Conflicts in the Culture of the Paso Fino Horse from 1967 to 1979
Certificate of Arts and Design
University of Saskatchewan 2007
Painting and Digital Photography
Bachelor Degree in Arts 1993
University of Puerto Rico
San Juan, Puerto Rico
• Visual Arts
Professional Degree in Photography 1992
York College
San Juan, Puerto Rico
I am not a terrorist June 2015
Performance and social intervention
Pride Parade, Saskatoon
Fragmentos March 2015
Troup d’ Jour
Saskatoon, SK
Collaboration with Miki Mappin Yarn Bombing 20th street July 2013
Super I Am July 2012
Social Intervention and Performance Art, different locations in Saskatoon
Horizontes September- October 2010
Cultural Gallery
Lares, Puerto Rico
Noches de Galeria November 2009
Osvi Arte
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Art Collective July 2009
Group Exhibition
STM Gallery University of Saskatchewan
Diversity Pride June 2009
Group Exhibition
Positive Passions Gallery
Saskatoon, SK Canada
Canada from the Eyes of a Stranger April 2009
Art Exhibition- Solo Show
The Gallery; Saskatoon Public Library
Off and Running April 2-28 2007 Group Exhibition
STM Gallery University of Saskatchewan
Articulations January – April 2007
Group Exhibition
Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon
Out of gate: A collection of artwork April 3-29 2006
Art exhibition
STM Gallery University of Saskatchewan
Project Management
Small Business Development
Strategic Thinking and Planning
Fund Raising for Non Profit Organizations
Effective Presentations
Planning and Design of Proposals for Grants
Identity Matters